Thursday, January 20, 2011

Think When I Sleep

Being back in school is difficult at times because sometimes I just need to think. I need hours to get my thoughts together. I need time to process all that I have seen. I need time to think but I have homework. I feel like it should wait and I feel like my professors should understand.

I need time to think about this new world around me. I don't have time for your homework tonight. Tonight the world is calling me, begging me to interpret it. The world needs me to write it a story, to dream it new hope.

The world needs me to acknowledge it but I have homework and class at 9 and I have been successfully socialized so there is no way that I can acceptably go to class without my readings done.

I need time to think but I have homework so I'll think when I sleep.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Common - Love is...


we. are. connected. we. are. all. connected. do. not. be. fooled. by. these. full. stops. they. were. placed. here. just. for. emphasis. one. one. one. one. one. that. is. today's. date. so. lets. take. a. cue. and. decide. now. that. we. will. honor. our. connection. I. do. not. know. how. you. should. I. think. I. might. have. an. idea. of. how. I. should. I. should. be. more. open. and. more honest. and. more. deliberate. I. should. pray. and. meditate. because. they. are. not. the. same. and. I. should. not. reject. love. I. should. welcome. it. and. ease. it. if. necessary. but. always. understand. the. severity. of. it. because. we. are. all. connected. by. a. long. bungee. cord. called. karma. it. is. strong. and. if. you. pace. yourself. you. can. stretch. it. a. long. long. way. but. the. minute. you. relax. and. disrespect. it's. strength. it. retracts. pulls. you. right. back. and. it. hurts. Karma. is. not. worried. about. you. or. me. only. justice. I believe. in. the. everlasting. always. dependable. justice. of. a. bungee. cord. yup. we. are. all. connected. by.  a. bungee. cord. and. it. is. not. afraid. to. recoil. just. when. your. fingertips. brush. what. you. have. been. painfully. carefully. or. not. so. carefully. trudging. towards. we. are. all. connected. by. a. bungee. like. umbilical. cord. that. stretches. through. this. broad. never. ending. inconceivable. universe. yup.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

To: all those poets who type what they used to write

I wrote this just for facebook.
spend more time on it than in my notebook.
present truths weren't always past
I used to cherish pen and paper- ink on my hands.
but it's easier to type it
let spell check fix it
always said tho that I'd never be that kind of poet
that electronic one 
robotic one
the free of hand cramp one
the mechanical one
forgot how to dream
no mistakes or smudges
the perfectly lined and justified one
the poet that double spaced so you wouldn't have to squint one

its easier to type it
let spell check fix it

but spell check don't get me when I write brutha and spell check don't know that sometimes that red underline is offensive
spell check don't know that my language is language too

there is danger on paper 
the risk that you'll write something and permanence won't let you forget it
right into existence

Sometimes I push hard on my pen 
 write until my finger is dented 
my hand is painfully frozen...
just to be sure I remember what it felt like to put organic thoughts on processed trees

to write with a poisonous ink

-Jacqueline Naami

Napkin Scribble #6

I want my voice back
want something to say
need to take some time off my hands
need them to ache.

It Takes 3

Last week the Earth flooded
and yesterday I watched the skies fall.....

The news said that its over
that all the disasters are done...

That today will be sunny
that the sky went back up
that the oceans have divorced the land

so today I am expected to have fun but

still I sit
completely numb because I know that the disasters won't end until they have a crowd

Lauryn Hill 'Selah'